New Nonprofit Site in a Pandemic

Rapid-Response COVID-19 Site Turned into Something More

See the Live Site (now administered by NCBC staff):

The National Catholic Bioethics Center provides bioethics guidance to Catholic health care providers across the United States. When the coronavirus pandemic struck, it needed a new site that could issue guidance quickly and reliably.

Then we kind of … kept going.

What resulted was an entirely new website for the NCBC that is flexible enough to carry the Catholic nonprofit into the 2020 and beyond.

The National Catholic Bioethics Center had a 15-year-old website built in Concrete5. It was trying to be all things to all people: breaking news, white papers, event registrations, classes, ecommerce, resource libraries, podcast, public policy statements, donations and development, subscriptions, and membership.

When the COVID-19 pandemic struck in March 2020, this bioethics center needed to issue guidance quickly and reliably to Catholic health care providers across the United States (and beyond). How should ventilators be rationed? What constituted ethical vaccine development? What are the ethical considerations of shutdown and stay-at-home orders? The old site was simply too cumbersome to respond quickly and nimbly.

So we strapped a new COVID-19 section onto the storefront we had just built, to begin providing rapid-response COVID-19 guidance from NCBC ethicists and other partners and resources.

The new section worked so well that we spent the entire second quarter of 2020 migrating the entire site over. All of it. Membership. Subscriptions. Resource libraries. Public policy sections. The NCBC’s podcast. ALL OF IT.

Through extensive consultation with different departments at the NCBC, I integrated

  • membership and subscriptions paywalls via Memberspace

  • event registration platforms via RegFox

  • class signups, plus paywalled education sections via Memberspace

  • podcasts via SoundCloud

  • a blog of breaking news and media appearances

  • a blog of statements, resources, and white papers

  • a calendar of upcoming appearances

  • donations buttons and calls to action throughout the site

  • a new storefront, which brought the NCBC’s ecommerce into the 2020s

With our new website design during the initial distressing COVID-19 period, we were more easily able to provide valuable resources to those seeking help. We continue to see public comments on Facebook and Twitter about how our website provides resources for anyone seeking clarity in a confusing and overwhelmed situation. Many people use our services because they purposefully navigated through our website.
— Sarah Zerr, Director of Memberships, NCBC

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Nonprofit e-Commerce Site