Nonprofit e-Commerce Site

New Store Site for Nonprofit Publisher

See the Live Site:

The National Catholic Bioethics Center needed a new ecommerce solution. I built this storefront in Squarespace to enable inventory tracking, customer account creation, abandoned cart emails, payment via PayPal or Stripe, and order tracking.

Jeanette ... significantly increased the convenience of administering the site and conducting e-commerce. While accommodating the unique needs of our nonprofit, Jeanette introduced industry standard inventory management, customer accounts and order recordkeeping, invoicing, and payment processing. On the front end, Jeanette built a slick design, intuitive user interface, and easy navigation. Throughout the process, she demonstrated her knowledge of web development and sensitivity to our organization’s needs.
— Philip Cerroni, MPH, Editor and Associate Ethicist, NCBC

The National Catholic Bioethics Center sells more than 1,000 products a year—mostly books and some brochures. The original store was built using Concrete5. Customers couldn’t use PayPal or Stripe, they couldn’t create accounts, and they couldn’t track orders. Digital products could not easily be tracked or downloaded. At the same time, the store manager had no idea how much inventory was in stock or whether orders had been fulfilled.

I built the NCBC a new Squarespace ecommerce solution that solved all these problems in the blink of an eye. Suddenly all these abilities were unlocked for the NCBC and its customers:

  • Inventory tracking and management

  • Sales buttons when items go on sale

  • Different variants of same product (English or Spanish; single-item or bulk pricing)

  • Automated digital download delivery, with refreshed download links after 24 hours

  • Order tracking and notes abilities

  • Customer account creation

  • Discount code creation

  • Gift card creation

  • Abandoned cart emails that converted an extra 2% of visitors into paying customers

  • Shipment tracking (staff could now input USPS tracking numbers into fulfillment details and customer emails)

  • Payment accepted via Stripe and PayPal

  • Sales data, exported in CSV (Excel) format


New Nonprofit Site in a Pandemic